No. 34 After Rain Earth Perfume 雨後空氣香水

售價 價格 $429.00 定價 單價  每 

A refreshing walk on a moist carpet of grass and mud after the summer rain.


A refreshing walk on a moist carpet of grass and mud after the summer rain.

A lingering scent of slightly-saline earthiness from the damp soil accompanied by a scene of sprouting, green young grass blades with droplets hanging on the tips.
Airy and fresh, the perfume contains a special scent molecule produced by soil microbes activated by moisture, contributing to the wondrously authentic aroma.

雨後濕潤的空氣,瀰漫著青草與泥土的空氣,為悶熱的天氣帶來涼快及清新的氣象。我們抽取了空氣水分與泥土生物於化學反應後產生出的芳香物質,重塑了真實的雨後空氣的氣味,調出獨一無二、帶有清新綠意的氣味,讓佩戴者給人一個有個性、自然的感覺。香水有一種特別的物質 - ‘Geosmin 土臭素’, 平時下雨後空氣中蔓延泥土的濕潤味道就是由這一物質引致。⁣⁣⁣

這支香水是一款 Fougere 調的香水,即是 ‘Fern’ 的味道,這個香水調源遠流長,由法國調香師 Paul Parquet 發明,裡面主要混合了薰衣草、佛手柑、香豆素、天竺葵同像苔,單獨聞起來完全不同,但合起來就形成了像 Fern 的味道。

Top notes: Wet Earth, Mint, Herbs

Mid Notes: Fern, Rain, Galbanum

Base Notes: Vetiver, Oakmoss

後調: 岩蘭草、橡苔

Lasting Time 留香時間:
EDT - Around 3-4 hours

淡香水 - 3 至 4 小時
EDP - Around 6-7 hours

濃香水 - 6 至 7 小時