No. 01 Old Bookstore 街角舊書店

售價 價格 $429.00 定價 單價  每 

The familiar, comforting and musty scent the moment of stepping into the neighbourhood vintage bookstore.



Pulling off from the shelves are hard paperbacks with covers lined with dust, flipping the thin, reddish brown spots stained pages, savouring the nostalgic scents of time.

Lignin in paper from an old book break down into vanillin, revealing a faintly sweet, vanilla aroma.

懷舊的氣味對你來說是一種怎樣的味道?⁣ 像30年威士忌那種充滿橡木桶的香氣,還是像歐洲教堂內的檀香味道?⁣

對我來說,就像舊書店的松香味,待久了,連皮膚也滲透著一種書香氣。香水混合了珍貴的材料 - 包括歐洲赤松、加拿大黑雲杉、麝香黃葵子及雲尼拿,整體帶出豐滿的松木、接近肌膚的麝香香調,後調帶點淡淡的甜味。讓你沾上獨一無二的書卷氣質,適合文青一族。


Top/Mid Notes 前/中調:

Pine 赤松, Black Spruce 黑雲杉(舊書味道)

Base Note 後調:

Musks 麝香, Vetiver 岩蘭草 , Vanilla 雲尼拿


Lasting Time 留香時間:

EDT - Around 3-4 hours

淡香水 - 3 至 4 小時

EDP - Around 6-7 hours

濃香水 - 6 至 7 小時