Mini Diffuser (With Car Vent Clip) 迷你室內香薰 / 車載香薰

售價 價格 $883.11 定價 單價  每 

Our Mini Diffuser is our second collection under the 'DRIFTER' wanderer collection -- drifting freely in the sea, welcoming unknown adventures and carrying the messages of scents. It contains a cap made from Black Walnut Wood carved with openings of waves. 

Our Mini Diffuser is compact, perfect for road trips and travels or small spaces like bookcases or drawers. 

Clip it onto your vehicle or motorcycle and stay alert while driving. Say goodbye to car odors and embrace refreshing scents. Bring out different fragrances to match the scenery. From the comforting aroma of White Peach Tea at sunrise to the cozy scent of an Old Bookstore at sunset, let your senses guide your journey.  

P.S. Xmas limited edition scent - Holiday Mulled Wine is out! 


駕駛車或摩托車夾上迷你擴香,有助醒神,專注行駛。消除車廂皮椅味道,有助延緩暈車,闢除街邊傳來的異味。幾種香味輪流換,搭配著一路不同的風景。日出時搭配白桃與茶,日落時搭配街角舊書店香... 在不同時辰天氣搭配不同的香,讓你所到之處,都伴隨著不同的香味記憶。

P.S. 聖誕期間,推出限定香味‘香料熱紅酒’!