No. 39 Osmanthus Tea Body Collection Gift Set 金桂花茶洗護系列禮盒裝

Sale price Price $299.00 Regular price Unit price  per 


Experience a breakthrough in osmanthus tea’s body collection with our exceptional product. Just 2-3 pumps are all it takes to transform your entire bathroom into a captivating oasis of osmanthus tea. Whether it's a rejuvenating morning shower or an evening shower, immerse yourself in the alluring essence of osmanthus tea.


歡迎選購:金桂花茶任選兩支裝 (請在訂單備註且此選項不包括禮盒包裝) 或 金桂花茶洗護系列全套禮盒裝 (包括洗髮露,護髮素,沐浴露,身體潤膚乳)

You are welcome to choose Any TWO of  Body Products (Please indicate the name/code during checkout. Without Gift Set Boxor Buying a Gift Set.

洗髮露 (340ml) | 護髮素 (340ml) | 沐浴露 (340ml) | 身體潤膚乳 (250ml)

Shampoo (340ml) | Conditioner (340ml) | Shower Gel (340ml) | Body Lotion (250ml)



Gift Set: Falu Red is seen as a symbol of traditional rural living in Sweden and is an important architectural color in Nordic countries. It carries a strong sense of ethnicity and connection to nature, representing values of warmth, coziness, and a close relationship with the natural world. In traditional Nordic architecture, Falu Red blends harmoniously with the surrounding environment, creating a sense of tradition and inviting warmth.

floiography incorporating Falu Red as part of the box design aims to pay homage to the Nordic lifestyle, showcasing its characteristic simplicity, warmth, and harmony with nature. This color represents a part of the traditional values and way of life in Nordic countries, infusing that feeling into the product's design.